I am who i am

I am who i am

Friday 13 November 2015

Play like a Crazy

The very interested and special game i played in UUM. It is Bumper Ball. First time see this game in here.
This game is a team play activities~ one round need at least 8 players. If less than 8 players the game cannot be made it. But that day go play, we just have 7 players only. Luckily still can play. We divided 4 girls VS 3 boys. Like this just fair for us. hahaha~but at the end we still lose to them because we don't have enough energy to push them down.

Photo is showed I inside the bumper ball. We all had one ball like this when play the game. This ball is quite heavy for girl yar~
Bumper Ball is pattern play like playing a football, just the difference is we all need to wear a big transparent ball and use it to push and hit by each other. hahaha
Is the good time to push and hit your friends down. hahaha
Play this game has a advantage is how you push your friends down also can because 0% injury. The big transparent ball is already can cover us when we push and hit by friends.
Play this game also can release stress and relax.

My friends and Course mates in University. Just them will made my day wonderful at there. We all came from difference state but we heart together and we had same target and achievement. Very happy to knew you all in this 4 years yar. Appreciate it. And our friendship still counting. Peace!

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Steamboat day

food lover is always food lover yar~ I very love eat~
Today dinner plan to eat steamboat at Batu pahat. This steamboat in Batu Pahat very famous. I never try it before and i want try this steamboat very long time lor. Finally, this mid semester break we got time to go there.

When reached there, we can see already had many peoples at there enjoy their dinner. And we find a table have a seat and start our dinner also.
Although there have many customers but the services is very quick and nice. There have hire many workers work at there so the every customers they can handle and didn't customers complain them. And the foods come at the time, no need wait for the long time.

These is all we ordered just now.

And i want recommended a very delicious at there. If got chance go there, must try that food.What us the foods i want to recommended you all is.......Fried chicken!
This fried chicken taste really difference with other fried chicken. Is really delicious and i don't can use what word to say it. Must try when you all got go there eat your dinner yar.
(4pcs = RM11) The price can be acceptable.

When finished all foods and the waitress will come to clean up the table. The waitress give us fruits when he finished clean up the table. The fruits is FREE one.
Really enjoy when dinner at there. The foods no bad and the services very nice. This is the first time i go the restoran had many customers but their services still very fast and good.

I sure will go there again.
The restoran name is Yong's Steamboat Garden.
Address: No 2, M/S,Jalan Minyak Beku,83000 Batu Pahat,Johor.
Tel no: 07-4323320 (can call to reserve the table)

Tuesday 10 November 2015

Foods journey in Singapore

Is had been a long time i did not go Singapore already. I am Johor child so go Singapore is very near for me. Before i went to very far's University, I often went Singapore with my family. My aunty is Singaporean and everytime go there, we will stay at there. And my aunty always brought us ate some locate foods in Singapore and brought us go shopping mall.

Yesterday, i went Singapore with my mummy because had been a very long time i didn't see my aunty already and  i go there visited her. Sure she bring me try a lot of nice food at there yar~ Have a very nice food journey at there.hehe
I had very long time didn't go Singapore by bus. This time had a very nice experience take bus go there. Sure i have a bit nervous lar because i went there normally by car.

Around 12.30p.m. we reached my aunty stay's place and she bring us go shopping mall's food court enjoy our lunch. What lunch we ate at shopping mall?

 We ate this as our lunch.What is this?
This food is quite famous in Singapore's shopping mall food court. And i had tried before this. This is my second time tried this food. First time i tried this i don't felt very nice and delicious. This time i tried i felt very nice and yummy. This food's name is "ma la xiang guo". Can go try when go Singapore yar~is a very good try. Sure u will order this food again when u go Singapore.

Hello!!!Crab~~~also had been a very long time i didn't eat crab lar~~i totally forgot the smell of the crab lor!hahaha~Finally i can eat crab this time lor~ black pepper crab!Is really delicious for me lar~a bit spicy and the taste is really nice!

wow~very nicely and happy dinner in Singapore.

I had a very happy trip in Singapore. Thanks my aunt always treat me like her children. Really appreciate.
Finished my foods journey and is time back to reality lar~
have a nice day~Good night my family, friends and world!

Sunday 8 November 2015

Movie Time

Film review: Our Times - Taiwanese teen romance has a new winner

Delayed consummation is again the key in Our Times, which, like You Are the Apple of My Eye, stretches out the obvious attraction between its central pair of a good girl and a campus troublemaker to  more than two hours. The viewer is advised to simply surrender to the wave of sentimentality.
When the adult Truly Lin  (Joe Chen Chiau-en)  feels increasingly disheartened with her unrewarding office job, memories of her high-school years – during which her teenage self had fallen into the latter of what she terms the “popular” and “not pretty” camps before a belated makeover – flood her mind.
Back in the 1990s, the young Truly  (Vivian Sung Yu-hua,  star of the film adaptation of another Ko novel, CafĂ©. Waiting. Love)  is initially smitten with handsome schoolmate Ouyang  (Dino Lee Yu-hsi),  but a zany run-in with the campus hoodlum Hsu Taiyu (Darren Wang Da-lu)  dramatically changes the equation.
In the excessively saccharine will-they-won’t-they affair that ensues, Taiyu and Truly go out regularly on the pretext that they’re helping each other court their respective crushes. Plot twists: Taiyu used to be a wonderful student before a traumatic incident; Truly turns out to be a hottie.
In a convenient stroke of mutual promotion, Our Times also takes Truly’s fascination with Canto-pop star Andy Lau Tak-wah  – an investor in the film – to nostalgic, and rather emotional, ends. Though unpersuasive to a fault, its fairy-tale ending might feel hugely cathartic for the already convert

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Small travel for us

First time go travel without a man. Yay!We did it!
First time rent car by myself. First time go take car and also first time fetch my friends go Thailand--Dannok.
I want try my every first time before i left University Utara Malaysia.

We enjoy the every moment at here. Even we need to spend alot of money if we keep outing. But this semester is our last semester so we do it.

We reached there successful around 6 p.m. something. And We passed the boarder custom also very smooth. We start to carving the food. Because when we not yet reach there we already hungry lor.
We go to our love stalk to enjoy our dinner. Everytime go there must eat de food.

                         The boss write there "No delicious no need pay the MONEY"
                                       The mee we very love~~
                                        four of us have a small tavel~yipee

Maybe yesterday is my Lucky day because everything very smooth~And yesterday really have a good news for me~ Thanks GOD!

Thursday 15 October 2015

Meaningful day for me

                                      Famous Nasi Lemak from Kampung Darat
Nasi Lemak!!! is local food for Malaysia. is a very simple and delicious and cheap food in Malaysia. If you have friends come from other country sure need to intro them about this local food. But this food normally for our Malaysian is breakfast. In uum, Kampung Darat is very famous stall sell nasi lemak. As usual, if UUM students want got there for breakfast, they sure wake up early and go there around 6.00a.m. because if late abit maybe Nasi Lemak will finished. Of course i also feel like wanna to try this famous Nasi Lemak in the early morning lar~but everytime i cannot wake up at that time. But i have many nice friends in this University. Everytime, they go there sure will dapao for us. I had tried this last semester. But long time ago, i totally forgot the smell already. Ya! today i try this Nasi Lemak again! very delicious! chili also spicy but i like spicy foods~so for me i ok.

Today finished all classes at 4.00p.m. Finished bath and dinner, i sat infront of my table wanna to start my homework. but suddenly my cousin called my go down awhile. I dun know what she want to give me. Then i go down, she pass a envelope for me. The inside envelope is a birthday card. I start to think who will give me the birthday card and my birthday is already pass. I open the envelope and open the birthday card to see. Is a very surprise night, the birthday card is my hometown friends write for me. Suddenly, i feel very warm.Thank you my friends! you all make my day!

                                       The envelope sent from my sweet hometown-Kluang
                                        Birthday card from my dearest friends!

And recently i like to hear this song. The song name is "xiaoxingyun"

Tuesday 13 October 2015

Just a simple Tuesday

Today is a just simple Tuesday for me. no classes, no outing. stay in the room whole day...
And i just awake that are already one month i didn't go back to my sweet home ler. Although in this month have many public holidays but i still stay in here. I start to homesick but still need to tell myself be strong and hardworking for my study. Last semester in University. After I work , there are  no more relax time like University's life before. Must cherish this all moment at University.

                                          yesterday I saw rainbow in Changlun.

Monday 12 October 2015

My birthday 12/10/2015

Happy birthday to me~
Happy birthday to me~
Happy birthday to me~~~
Happy birthday to me.
Happy 23rd birthday to me.....

 Make a wish~ and hope the wish can come true.

As usual, today wake up and prepare go to class. Although today is my big day but still need go class yar~ I lock my facebook's birthday date mention~and sure if she or he no my good friends, they would not know today is my birthday yar~

Ya~this is my 4th years birthday in University and also my last birthday celebration in here~ I enjoy it although i don't like here. hahaha

Thanks my friends and coursemates give me a nice birthday in this jungle~really appreciate it! Even though this year i had a very simple birthday celebration but i feel very happy and warm when my friends sing the birthday song for me and give the present to me.

Before 12a.m., i want say again to myself "Happy birthday" and hope my wish can come true yar!

Sunday 11 October 2015

Wonderful day with you all

Today is Saturday, I am together with fren have a date to Aman Central shopping mall where's located at Alor Star. It was a new shopping mall in Alor Star. Aman Central opened at 1st Oct 2016, that mean Aman Central has start the business 10 days already and there are a lot of UUM students went to there for shop~ We still not yet go there. Even inside got any shops we also do not know. Of course, we are very excite to go there.

We reached there around 2.30p.m. and we are very hungry. We found a food shop and eat our dinner. Actually we want to choose the delicious foods at there.But lastly due to several reasons, we decided to eat sakae sushi~
                                                     Chicken Teriyaki with Rice

Seafood Kimchi soup (actually we are ordered fish Kimchi soup)
Finished our lunch, we start to shopping. There have many shops compare with the Alor star mall.For sure there have many peoples because the mall just open. And all people feel very fresh with Aman center. Besides that, this shopping mall located infront of the Alor Star tower. 
night view for the Aman central
H&M shop
Around 7.00p.m. We feel hungry. Then we found a cafe for our dinner. The environment of the cafe very nice and the design also special. We have our dinner at there just now.
Food ordered by us~yummy~~
When we finished our dinner. We sit at there chat awhile. Suddenly, the birthday cake appear infront for me. Actually i already guess what they want to do but i also touch when they celebrate my birthday with me. They sing birthday song for me. This is my first time and last time celebrate with them. Because we are last semester students in UUM le. After this semester, we need to intern and work in the work. 
Actually, my birthday haven reach. They done an early birthday celebration for me. Really Thank you and appreciate yar~

Birthday cake
The early birthday cake for me
Thank you and Love you all~
Really have a wonderful day with you all. This will be become our good memory for our future.
Good night everyone~Have a nice dream :)

Thursday 8 October 2015

My first post in blog~Nice to meet u all :)

Hello,my name is Yeoh Yee Han. Currently, I am studying in University Utara Malaysia(UUM), Sintok, Kedah. 
I'm one of the student from STID1103 group F. My matrix number is 223323.
My current email is Yeoh_92@hotmail.com and my phone contact is 010-2051670.
I'm doing this blog for my assignment and hope to get support from you to me~Thank you. 
Have a nice day ^^