I am who i am

I am who i am

Thursday 15 October 2015

Meaningful day for me

                                      Famous Nasi Lemak from Kampung Darat
Nasi Lemak!!! is local food for Malaysia. is a very simple and delicious and cheap food in Malaysia. If you have friends come from other country sure need to intro them about this local food. But this food normally for our Malaysian is breakfast. In uum, Kampung Darat is very famous stall sell nasi lemak. As usual, if UUM students want got there for breakfast, they sure wake up early and go there around 6.00a.m. because if late abit maybe Nasi Lemak will finished. Of course i also feel like wanna to try this famous Nasi Lemak in the early morning lar~but everytime i cannot wake up at that time. But i have many nice friends in this University. Everytime, they go there sure will dapao for us. I had tried this last semester. But long time ago, i totally forgot the smell already. Ya! today i try this Nasi Lemak again! very delicious! chili also spicy but i like spicy foods~so for me i ok.

Today finished all classes at 4.00p.m. Finished bath and dinner, i sat infront of my table wanna to start my homework. but suddenly my cousin called my go down awhile. I dun know what she want to give me. Then i go down, she pass a envelope for me. The inside envelope is a birthday card. I start to think who will give me the birthday card and my birthday is already pass. I open the envelope and open the birthday card to see. Is a very surprise night, the birthday card is my hometown friends write for me. Suddenly, i feel very warm.Thank you my friends! you all make my day!

                                       The envelope sent from my sweet hometown-Kluang
                                        Birthday card from my dearest friends!

And recently i like to hear this song. The song name is "xiaoxingyun"

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